Friday, September 5, 2008

fall is fast approaching

bonjour mes bebes,

how ARE you? are you making sure to do very summery things? there isn't much time left.

soon, we'll have a few months of colorful leaves, crimson-colored scarves and sweater vests and knee socks, brisk air, apple picking and all apple products, and the crunch of dry leaves under your feet as you walk down the street. aren't you excited?

i'll be ringing in the new season by attending my first week of classes! i'm nervous. i'm going to a new school, you see. hopefully, it'll be good. but i fully intend to do all the other fall things that a girl should do in fall. like, drink apple cider and read a book on a park bench with orange leaves all around me.  i'll let you how it is.

well, there is not too much new with me. pippi and eloise have already started school, and i can say i am jealous! i'm all summered out. hope you two are enjoying classes and the city<3

impatient for the end of september,
uncle wiggily

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