Sunday, August 10, 2008

it's summer!

pippi, i too saw mgmt! (they were pretty decent. i think the sound might've been off, but that's not totally their fault now, is it?)

it was at lolla. unfortunately, my friends wanted to leave halfway through so i didn't even get to hear kids. i could've just died. honestly.

anyway. my scalp along my part got SO sunburned. it was literally red, and now it's starting to peel. do you know what that looks like? do you? 

do you??

other than that, everything's going pretty well. i got a second job at place i worked at during high school. it's a personalized  stationary and custom gifts type of business and its run in the owner's home. she has red hair and is super nice.

this news is somewhat old, but aleksandr solzhenitsyn passed last sunday. a great literary force. and a great historical force, really.

frankly, i don't like to read the newspaper. it can be so upsetting. but it's important to be aware of what's going on. so what's a girl do to? i mean, reading the news is definitely better than living the news. must keep things in perspective, i suppose.

i'm very all-over-the-place, i know. but my brain is a little all-over-the-place.

in desperate need of a hat and some cheerful news (like achieving world peace),
uncle wiggily

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