Sunday, February 24, 2008

wasted weekends

at the beginning of every weekend, i have a to-do list a mile long. i feel very determined and confident that there will be a check mark by every item by the time sunday night rolls around. this, however, never is the case. 

i very much enjoy to spend countless minutes on aim with old friends, especially when my dear friend ims me to tell me that she had a dream we made out and then watched the o.c. season 1 on dvd (which was the best season). i was good, she said. arrested development usually takes up too much of my time, but when i am presented with a choice between the bluths and ps222 reading, i will usually sway toward the michael and co. i will neglect my lab report for my national geographic magazine, which is infinitely cooler than any lab experiment my handsome professor could ask me to conduct. 

too many things distract me. my desk is a haven of things i love too much more than school work. perhaps when i am done with general education courses and i'm taking courses i am actually interested it, things will be different. until then, perhaps i will study in the basement. it's boring, quiet, just the right amount of creepy, and a little smelly - conditions most conducive to hard work.

just a bit behind,
uncle wiggily

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