it's a late night post, but i'll try to stray away from the nonsensical.
so all three of us (eloise, pippi and i, that is) will be busy with a pretty important group project until the end of april. at the moment, i'm pushing off some research i have to conduct. i have till 8pm tomorrow to meet my group, so it'll be done by then for sure. i promise all of you.
i am in desperate need of a dance party. like, just some good ol' fling-your-arms-in-the-air-kick-your-legs-shake-your-head-to-some-rockin'-music relief. when i'm in my hometown (you know, when i'm not at university), my friends and i will rock out for hours, and i mean hours. it's fun. you'd enjoy it too, i bet. (and for those of you who are a bit more inhibited, crack open a bottle of vodka. you'll loosen right up).
i need a bundle/vase of daffodils or sunflowers on my desk or something. they just remind me of bright, bright sunshine. perhaps i will go buy some. now, for all your traditionalists out there with what i must call retrograde thinking, a girl can totally buy her own flowers. for every woman out there who does so, good for you! (i'm feeling very empowered right now. i get this way after midnight, oftentimes).
well, i must go do some of that research i mentioned earlier, mustn't i? take care and if you're going to ride a motorcycle, please wear a helmet. it looks totally cool AND smart - two very attractive qualities,
becoming close friends with jstor and the four books on my desk,
uncle wiggily
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