Hola sirs and madames,
I have returned from the murky depths that I usually call home ( aka I've been buried in work on neurons hence, I had no pop culture things to talk about). The photo above makes me happier than words can describe. For today, let's take a look into rantings I created in the past..... way back to 2006...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Hello , Its me again
Hello people of the world wide web. Its me.
How have you been? I've been thinking too much and becoming highly philosophical. Its a vicious cycle I get wrapped up in of constantly thinking everything is something else. Enough external psycho babble for now. Now to talk of something less inportant.
Spin Magazine- I once enjoyed reading you. Now that you've been sold and gutted, you have become a worthless piece of crap and a horrible waste of paper. I liked reading about music and enjoying the comedic banter that filled your pages. Now, I have 5 page spreads on Beyonce that quite frankly suck ass. I miss Chuck Klosterman too. Honestly, his articles were one of the best things about you. Sia Michel was an excellent editor too. Now i have to deal with Andy-crapface-probably-drops-lines-about-him-being-an-editor-to-pick-up-underage-hookers Pemberton, excellent. I also hate that all the covers are the same now. Anyway, I liked when you had articles that came from your writers and were personal, now I feel like your attempting to force feed me crap about myspace and " hot" party scenes. Bottomline- Rehire Sia and get Chuck back on or your going to become Teen People's slightly older sister that still wears braces and tries to make friends by talking about how you were so " totally hammered on wine coolers".
I guess thats all the complaining I have to deliver for now.
I was a pretty witty individual... if I don't mind tooting my own horn...
There was also rantings on if I had a country album I would title it " Kenny Rodgers is dead and now someone must reign over his country legacy". I don't know what I was thinking that would be a horrible name, seriously I could do mo betta. Well, in other news, I'm doing this huge project on the BU Bio Lab ( or as I like to call it the ebola housing facility). Considering I harbor numerous irrational fears, getting ebola probably tops my list. I am terrified one day I will wake up one day without warning and have ebola. In other news, I am seeing Hot Chip next Monday so hopefully there will be enjoyable pictures to follow.
and Yay!! My friend bought me this Buddy Holly CD so me and his zombie rock out daily.
I'm thinking about adding random reviews to my section.. perhaps this will soon follow.
over and out rescue rangers,
photo courtesy of cuteoverload
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