hello all,
hope all is well. for the three of us, summer is either here or very, very near! it's quite an exciting time. plus, the weather has been lovely the past few days (after a bout of cold and wind).
however, i am feeling a little blue today. eloise, fellow blogger and my cohabitant, has left for home. i wish she were still here, but i myself will be leaving quite shortly. this makes the pain bearable.
eloise has quite the summer ahead of her. a little travel and an awesome internship. it's going to be LEGEN-wait-for-it-DARY. (we love how i met your mother).
pippi is quite busy as well. i haven't seen her in a while, but i miss her always-brightly-colored-and-fun-and-totally-awesome outfits. they always pop. catch the eye. that sort of thing. oh! and she might come to my hometown (well, the city very nearby) and i will perhaps get to see her. whoop!
okay, well i'm sorry for being absent for so long. i probably should've made this apology toward the beginning of this post. sorry. i'm terribly inconsiderate, yes?
well, just so you all know, i've been eating too much lately. i have a lot to pack and i am not looking forward to it even the tiniest bit. i go home on saturday and could not be more excited.
so yeah, i think that's it for now. sorry if i've made you fall asleep. i'm an old-timer, so only boring, old-timer thoughts come out of my head.
i'll leave you with pete doherty on his first day as a free man. he went into the woods with his manager. it's AWESOME. courtesy of his manager.

with a food baby or two or three,
uncle wiggily
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