Saturday, June 27, 2009


hello pets,

i've officially been on summer for a mere seventeen days, but already it feels like months. i've been working almost everyday (weekends included) at two different jobs. during the week, i'm a tutor/mentor type person at a positive youth development agency. we have a shit ton of fun, but we still emphasize academics and emotional growth. it's a really great organization and i'm really glad that i get to spend my summer with them!

on the weekends, i'm at VS. yes. yes. i unfailingly return to this job that i've had for years. many of the girls i started out with have left, but i still find myself returning to this store during every break that i have. what's the draw, i always wonder to myself. the discount? the management (which itself has gone through three full rotations since i've started working)? the staff? no, no, and no. it's a decent job and it always has a place for me. perhaps knowing that is the allure. besides, making the extra cash is nice.

i need to start studying for the GRE, but i'm so beat after work that all i want to do it lie down and watch television. it's a problem. i should crack down.

oh. why am i home on a saturday night? because a) i'm lame and b) i'm tired.

i have more thoughts, but they're too personal for cyberspace. till next time--

pondering some mesquite barbeque kettle-cooked chips,
uncle wiggily

p.s. eloise and pippi, miss you.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bouts of Balmainia

Balmainia is everywhere. It is almost as common as the common cold. People will spend thousands for one pair of biker jeans or over ten thousand for the embellished crystal jacket. I am admittedly a struggling member of Balmania wannabes. Every time I see Emmanuelle Alt decked out nonchalantly in Balmain my jaw drops with envy like an old cartoon character. I debate over which would be more important, my college education or that sweet sequin jacket. A few minutes later, I come back to reality and realize that I have to choose the college education, if only to supposedly make more money later and maybe even get the jacket that has the longevity of 5 minutes. I then think about how it would be if I actually had the jacket I so badly wanted in my possession. I realize how ridiculous it would be to own it. I would be walking around a small college campus in Upstate New York blinged out like Michael Jackson in the 80's. The jacket would most likely never leave my closet, as I am even too afraid to wear my Sergeant Pepper Jacket that I spontaneously found in London or my gold lace Marc dress. If I had thought any of my other articles of clothing were outlandish or ostentatious, they would seem tame by comparison. Through this thought process I overcome another bout of Balmainia and put the dream of obtaining it to rest. I am temporarily free from fashion crazes. Well that is until I see the new Nicholas Kirkwoods, now the combination of those two would be deadly.

photo from

Style Influence: Michelangelo Antonioni's Blow-Up

The protagonist in Antonioni's film finds his life to be drab and devoid of excitement but this could be contested because could Swinging London really be drab? However, one thing that could not be contested was the enduring influence of the film's fashion, which is evident in today's styles. In the photoshoot scene there are several pieces, which when viewed without their extravagant accessories could be plausibly worn today. The polkadot playsuit was reflected in Sonia Sonia Rykiel's Fall 08 collection of whimsical polka dot dresses. The gold dress was reflected in Charles Anastase's peter pan collared swing dress from 2007.In a different shoot, the model's mink coat, short dress, and loaferesque shoes parallel Wes Anderson's iconic character Margot Tenenbaum or even Brisith "It" Girl Alexa Chung. While the stripped top with the white skirt is similar to A.P.C.'s hipster/prepster ethos.
Thomas, the protagonist, is equally fashionable as the women in the film. His slim slack with the blazers could be seen anywhere from East London to Lower Manhattan.
While the film may seem dated, it is worthwhile to watch not only for its statement on Swinging London and the image of David Bailey but for its enduring stylistic timelessness.

Images from Google Image

Monday, February 9, 2009

Nostalgia for Spring

I am sick of the cold and I wish it was spring.

Garance Dore

Friday, January 30, 2009

you got cuter!


i'm so sorry for being SO neglected you for the past while. i've been busy, but that's no excuse. i love you and i should show it by writing on a regular basis. forgive me?

my eyelids feel heavy. do you know why? because i'm sleepy. 

i have a paper due tomorrow, and as it gets later and later into the night, i grow less and less confident in what i have. it's shit, kind of. whatever.

i'm sorry. i am completely brain-dead at the moment. SO. when i'm feeling silly and giggly, i'll give you a much better post.

ever yours,
uncle wiggily

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

you smell!

hey cutiepies,

today was the first REAL snowfall of the year. like, real white snow on the ground for the entire day! i loved it. i will admit, though, that it was fukking cold. i think i need to buy a new winter coat because my peacoat just isn't keeping me toasty (even with layers!).

hmm. my roommate just brought me a banana nut muffin from starbucks. isn't she sweet? but it's because the boy at starbucks has a crush on her and gives her free food. oh! how i wish starbucks boys would have crushes on me. can you imagine--free signature hot chocolates and muffins galore. well, maybe galore is too strong a word--i wouldn't take advantage of the poor chap, i promise!

it's 12:27 am and i plan on being IN my bed by 1:30 am at the LATEST. it's my new plan, getting to bed by 1:30 am every day. staying up until 3:30 am just is not good for my skin.

OH! so my eye had an mini-allergic reaction to this eye cream i put on. it just like, swelled up. SOO at first i didn't realize it was an allergic reaction of sorts--i've never had one before! i just thought my eyes were being puffy. SO by the time i started combating the puff, it was too late. my right eye is now a little puffier than it used to be. just the TINIEST bit puffier right above the eyelashes, but forever i will have to live with this excess puff. 

i gained weight this past week, so here's my plan for this/next week:

* lose 84 lbs
* study for finals
* get As on all my finals (this will definitely not happen seeing as i've had just about the worst semester ever, academically)

okay. i am going to wash up and hit the hay. goodnight poops!

in eager anticipation of my new pillow that actually provides neck support,
uncle wiggily

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


... and that concludes all the Spanish I know. I'm a failure at, hmm, basically everything. In other news, I have pictures to upload to hopefully spruce this bad boy up but that won't happen until after Dia del Gracias ( maybe that means Thanksgiving?). On the music front, I saw Little Joy in Sunday at TT the Bear's. Their music is very cute and highly enjoyable ( yes I used cute to describe it). Cute is the only word that can truly describe Binki Shapiro. Fabrizio Moretti ( drummer of The Strokes) played guitar for a change and had lots of whitty banter to go along with his strumming ( such as proclaiming he is the " best liar ever" for making up a story about peeing his pants in high school). Rodrigo Amarante ( also of Los Hermanos) is amazing vocally and looks like the Tootsie pop owl so basically I want to be his best friend. So everyone should chhhhheck out their EP which is self-titled and came out about two weeks ago.

Boston Shows:

In promotion news:
Go see Vampire Weekend 12/6 at the Orpheum!!

Non promotion news:
M83 is playing tonight at the Middle East ( good luck its sold out)
11/24- No Age at the Middle East ( its only 12 dolla dolla bills y'all)
12/11- Stella at the Wilbur Theatre

Cut Copy ( w/ Matt & Kim) Tickets go on sale for their show at the House of Blues ( which isn't even done being built so we'll see how this one pans out).


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

academia once again

hello cupcakes,

hope you are all well. i miss you. yes. YOU. i have't been on coconut brain in a while, and i've missed you.

the weather is seasonably warm (in the seventies daily), but i want it to be chilly. so chilly i need to rub my arms even if i'm wearing two layers of clothing. so chilly i can see my breath. i'm sick of the sun. i hope you understand where i'm coming from.

oh, well, regarding the title of this particular entry--tomorrow is my first day of classes (at a completely new insitution, might i add)! i'm nervous but excited. finally, after being insufferably bored for weeks while my friends returned to their schools, i am on the verge of being reimmersed into college life. oh boy. i cannot waaaaiiiit.

but that doesn't mean i desperately want to be thirty, flirty, and thriving. because i do.

i really do.

savouring the last truly lazy night for a while,
uncle wiggily

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Boy by Band of Outsiders

Boy by Band of Outsiders is phenomenal. I love the adaptation of mens ware for women. The shoes that Manolo Blahnik designed for the fall collection is a perfect mix of casually cool and feminine.


Friday, September 5, 2008

fall is fast approaching

bonjour mes bebes,

how ARE you? are you making sure to do very summery things? there isn't much time left.

soon, we'll have a few months of colorful leaves, crimson-colored scarves and sweater vests and knee socks, brisk air, apple picking and all apple products, and the crunch of dry leaves under your feet as you walk down the street. aren't you excited?

i'll be ringing in the new season by attending my first week of classes! i'm nervous. i'm going to a new school, you see. hopefully, it'll be good. but i fully intend to do all the other fall things that a girl should do in fall. like, drink apple cider and read a book on a park bench with orange leaves all around me.  i'll let you how it is.

well, there is not too much new with me. pippi and eloise have already started school, and i can say i am jealous! i'm all summered out. hope you two are enjoying classes and the city<3

impatient for the end of september,
uncle wiggily

Sunday, August 10, 2008

it's summer!

pippi, i too saw mgmt! (they were pretty decent. i think the sound might've been off, but that's not totally their fault now, is it?)

it was at lolla. unfortunately, my friends wanted to leave halfway through so i didn't even get to hear kids. i could've just died. honestly.

anyway. my scalp along my part got SO sunburned. it was literally red, and now it's starting to peel. do you know what that looks like? do you? 

do you??

other than that, everything's going pretty well. i got a second job at place i worked at during high school. it's a personalized  stationary and custom gifts type of business and its run in the owner's home. she has red hair and is super nice.

this news is somewhat old, but aleksandr solzhenitsyn passed last sunday. a great literary force. and a great historical force, really.

frankly, i don't like to read the newspaper. it can be so upsetting. but it's important to be aware of what's going on. so what's a girl do to? i mean, reading the news is definitely better than living the news. must keep things in perspective, i suppose.

i'm very all-over-the-place, i know. but my brain is a little all-over-the-place.

in desperate need of a hat and some cheerful news (like achieving world peace),
uncle wiggily

Friday, July 25, 2008

MGMT - Paradise

Sadly no shots of the bra wearing

The show was pretty good ( band wise). The crowd on the other hand, was somewhat disagreeable.
I'm off to , hopefully, purchase Cut/Copy and Wombats tickets. I'll be amazed if it works out, wish me luck.
I'll post good shows coming up in the next few months in Boston ( and probably nyc), a little later.
MGMT and The Ting Tings are playing a free show in Brooklyn ( McCarren Pool) on Sunday. It would be a true miracle if some how i got there.

later gators,

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Santogold and Diplo just released a mixtape and I have to say I'm a fan.
They reworked The Clash's "Guns of Brixton" into the newfangled " Guns of Brooklyn", needless to say, I've been listening to it nonstop basically.

Listen for yourself,
"Guns of Brooklyn"

I'm going to see MGMT tonight, so maybe a picture post tomorrow?

over and out,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Whoa, Programming Council Does Stuff?

Programming Council (aka waste of time, space, money, and energy) at the fine institution known as Boston University, has actually done something useful. Girl Talk is playing on September 20th, huzzah! Hopefully it actually happens. I have high hopes since Programming Council announced it ( not like the Talib Kweli debacle). I just hope the fine Council can continue on its path to gloriousness ( let's not get 36 Mafia and Cobra Starship again, alright?).
As for other dreams I have for the Boston Area, what is with all this tour hate? In a new occurring and lethal trend, more and more bands have been skipping Boston on their tours. Current example: Cut Copy ( with the Presets). Its commonly becoming the trend to play nyc and philly then go directly to Europe. I know gas is expensive, but please I'm dying. Let's kill this trend okay?

I hope Animal Collective comes to Boston soon. I think Panda Bear harbors some hate though against his old institution. Then again, I think about dropping out of BU all the time , so he just got out lucky.

update--> yay! trend dying, tickets for cut copy with the presets are on sale Friday 7/25 for their show at Paradise.

- sincerely,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

je suis crazy

hello lovelies,

so today has been pretty okay thus far. i worked from 830am-1230pm, which is hard when you go to bed at 330am the night before watching the mighty ducks 3 on tbs. i have work from 6am-10am on thursday. life is rough.

i applied as a transfer to a dreamy university and got my acceptance letter just today! it was exciting, but it bummed my dad out a little bit. but i like, totally get his bumming out. don't think poorly of him--he's just a complex man.

however, i just freaked out at my brother and although i think he deserved it, i feel bad. i'm honestly the only person i know who is SO moody and then completely deluged with guilt. it's a problem.

i have to go do the dishes, but please make sure to wear sunscreen when you go out. even if it's cloudly, the harmful rays come through and can cause premature aging. it's serious.

with great anticipation for a veggie burger for supper/dinner/evening meal,
uncle wiggily